Thursday, October 13, 2011

Comments seem to have disappeared

Hiya folks,

For some reason known to those much more technically minded than me right now, the comments for each week appear to have disappeared from the published pages.

I can see comments in the dashboard (behind the scenes), but they're not visible at the front. I'm confident they'll re-appear when we're not looking, as these things do in the e-world.

Thank you everyone for commenting so far.Best of luck with your assessment items.

Cheers, Leesa

17th October
Update: Hi folks, I'm still working on resolving the lost comments issue.

Please note: your comments are still there, I can see them, it's just that they've disappeared from the published page. You don't need to re-send your comments unless you were already having problems loading them beforehand. I'm about to do a few techie-things right now and see if I can get the comments back to you. The look of the blog may alter a bit while I fiddle. Wish me luck. 

1 comment:

  1. Test comment. Comment box appears on *posts*, but not on *pages*. Why is this so?
